The University of Florence is a State University covering all academic disciplines, with 58,000 students and 2,700 teaching staff members.

It is one of the largest and most productive public research and educational systems in Italy. This result is also due to intensive participation in national and international research programmes, the significant scientific results achieved and the flow of funds, which support research and knowledge transfer. It is running one of the largest LLP Institutional Contract in Europe, both in terms of activities volume and awarded grant.

The staff of the Research Centre for Renewable and Alternative Energies (CREAR) of the University of Florence will perform the action. The Centre merges several Departments of the University and it focuses its activities on the development and assessment of renewable energy both in research (agronomy, bioenergy, technology development, environmental impact assessment, etc.) and teaching, in particular by offering an International Master Course on Bioenergy and Environment.

The CREAR lies under the Administrative responsibility of the Department of Industrial Engineering (DIEF).