The second semester of the First Year of BBChina Master Program is just concluded!

/ July 6, 2020

The second semester of the first edition of the BBChina Master Program is just closed. Despite the Pandemic, the second semester, after a delayed start, ran smoothly, thanks to the full utilisation of all the Distance Learning tools previously developed and set-up, including the BBChina e-learning platform. The second-semester courses closed with the discussion of the projects elaborated by the students during the courses. In particular, during the second-semester teaching was held for the two

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Student mobility postponed

/ April 28, 2020

Due to the pandemic and the strong travel restrictions from and to Europe, the planned student mobility activities are postponed to the moment when the situation will go back to normality. We are sorry to announce that, but we are working hard to organise this activity in the near future.

The second semester starts with Distance Learning

/ April 8, 2020

Due to the pandemic, all the three involved Chinese Universities will have lessons through Distance Learning, waiting to be back to normality. Good luck to all the BBChina students for this new adventure.

The Official Chinese Web Page available under the Tongji University Domain!

/ January 15, 2020

The Official Chinese Web page is now available under the domain of the Tongji University, leader of the Dissemination.You can reach it at the following web address: you will find all the information about the project implementation in Chinese.Follow the link, then!

BBChina and Chamber of Commerce of Italy in China signed a MoU

/ December 10, 2019

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between UNIFI, on behalf of the BBChina Project Consortium, and the Chamber of Commerce of Italy in China (CCIC) was signed by the respective representatives. The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding is to establish a formal partnership between the EU Consortia of the BBChina project and the members of the Chamber of Commerce operating in the Green Economy (Renewable Energies, Circular Economy, Waste Management etc.) for collaboration in the

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First Edition Started!

/ October 18, 2019

Thanks to the close cooperation between the whole partnership, the first edition of the BBChina Master program is started in September 2019, with a total of forty-five new students.

Staff Mobility @UNIFI: visit to the Novamont Research Centre in Novara!

/ October 7, 2019

The Chinese HEIs staff visited the Research Centre of Novamont in Novara. Novamont is a worldwide leader in the bioplastics sector and in the development of biochemicals. All the new ideas, technologies and processes are developed in the Research Centre of Novara, before approaching the following step of industrial level implementation. Pilot Plants, Test Facilities, Biochemical Labs support the Research and Development in the field of Bioeconomy. The visit can open new possibilities of collaboration

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Training on e-learning and teaching methodologies @UNIFI

/ October 5, 2019

Staff mobility in Florence foresees a full immersion on training on e-learning and new teaching methodologies. Alberto Provenzano from CESIE presents the new methodologies for teaching with the support of e-learning tools!