The “Train the Trainers” activity for the entrepreneurship course was completed online!
Six future teachers of the Chinese Universities are now trained and ready to empower the entrepreneurship attitude in the students of the BBChina Master Program.
An Entrepreneurship Course is planned during the second year of the Master Program, aimed at empowering entrepreneurship attitude in the Master students.
The course has been developed by the partner CESIE, based on their experience in the field. The program of the entrepreneurship course was fit to the students’ target following a “learning needs assessment survey”. The survey focused on the identification of specific students’ knowledge/skill gaps in the field of entrepreneurship and soft skills and was completed by the first edition students in each partner university through a questionnaire. The survey collected the student’s learning needs and oriented the development of learning material according to the results.
Once developed the course, the teachers of the Chinese HEIs have been trained via a “Train the Trainers” activity. The activity was planned to be held at CESIE’s premises in Palermo in spring 2020 but, due to the Pandemic, it took place online between the end of June and Mid July 2020. The feedback from the involved trainers was also collected to better fit the course material.
Six future teachers of the Chinese Universities were trained and already received a Certificate of Participation issued by CESIE. The project proposal planned to train (on-site) only one teacher per University but the online mode allowed to train more trainers than foreseen.

The learning material, further modified and updated based on the feedback collected during the “Train the Trainers”, will be uploaded on the e-learning platform within August 2020, ready to be used for the Entrepreneurship Course.